Tungenes Lighthouse

On the northernmost point of Randaberg municipality, surrounded by pastures and ocean, you'll find Tungenes Lighthouse. It is well worth a visit. If you go on a sunny summer day, you can pack som lunch and eat it by the ocean. ☀️ If you go out during a storm you'll have to prepare for a spectacular sight. 🌊

Tungenes lighthouse

Tungenes lighthouse (CC) Roar Johansen.

It takes about an hour by foot or 16 minutes by bike to get to Tungenes Lighthouse. It is also possible to drive almost all the way.

A little history

There has been a lighthouse at Tungenes since 1828. It was the inhabitants of Stavanger and local herring fishermen that first agreed to establish a lighthouse here.

In the beginning it was just a couple of candles in an attic window that guided the fishermen safe to the harbour of Stavanger.

The lighthouse has been upgraded and modernized a few times thru the years, and in 1984 the lighthouse was shut down and replaced by a lantern on a reef just outside the headland.

Today Tungenes Lighthouse is a museum where you can see how the light keepers lived with their families in the 1930s.

During weekend there is a café where you can get a cup of coffee and something sweet.

Be sure to check out the museums opening hours before you go, as it is not open every day.

How to get there.

It is quite easy to get to Tungenes Lighthouse. From the center of Randaberg you just follow the signs to Tungenes. If you go too far, you will end up in the ocean. 💦

Get directions.